Accounting servises

Entrust your bookkeeping in professional hands.
Our office provides accounting services conducted
by professionals with years of experience and vast
expertise confirmed by obtaining the title of
statutory auditor.

Tax consultancy

"If there is a better way to do it
find it.
Thomas A. Edison


Benefits from a professionally conducted financial audit. Our office provides audit services performed by statutory auditors assisted by currently employed apprentices.

Setting up business entities

Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Thomas A. Edison

Outsourcing accounting work

" People believe that something is impossible until there comes the one who doesn’t know that it is impossible. And he does just that.
Albert Einstein

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We operate within the framework of customer’s company supporting it in the areas based on data taken from the records

We design, implement and operate systems of internal and external reporting

We work in the area of costs analysis and calculation of production costs

We offer solutions to everyday optimalisation of taxes, planning, payment realisation and methods of financing

We simplify and take over administrative processes: payrolls, contacts with financial institutions

Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.
Lee Iacocca

We have extensive experience in working with clients from different business cultures, countries and industries (real estate, trade, TLS, complex multiphase production etc.). We serve customers working in a variety of legal forms and tax models – branches of foreign companies, domestic companies, and entities engaged in economic zones.

audit reports
clients for advisory services
clients for accountancy services
financial statements prepared

Our office employs:

  • Statutory auditors who have gained their qualification in accordance with the new standards,
  • Lecturers and authors of textbooks on accounting, taxation, finance and IAS/IFRS,
  • Apprentices – employees undergoing the process of obtaining the statutory auditors powers and responsibilities,
  • Financial advisers with the required qualifications and licenses.